Monday, November 12, 2007

What are you thankful for?

Take a minute to think about that. What are you thankful for?

Too often we focus on the negative in our lives, sometimes it feels as if it outweighs the good, but maybe we take the good for granted. We pray and we ask God to grant us the desires of our heart, and how do we repay him? By complaining? Do we even say "thank you?" It wasn't big enough, or it wasn't the right know what you do.

There's a commercial on television; the mother and her three children are having dinner and the children each take turns telling the mother the good things that have happened in their day. Isn't thay a lovely tradition to start with our families? With our God?

What are you thankful for? Perhaps it was someone's hello that was a bright spot in your day. Maybe you were able to pay off a bill, or see someone you hadn't seen in a while. Whatever it is, big or small; honor it, embrace it, enjoy it and give thanks for it.

Psalm 100:4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.


bajangal said...

Amen to that sister!!! A lot of us certainly do not focus on the positives in our lives.I try every day to say thanks to God for the things that go right in my life. I beleive that my blessings come everyday from just acknowledging God and thanking him for even the littlest of things. One of the cutest things my then five year old boo-baby learned to say from me was "thank you Jesus".

Anonymous said...

This was nice because somehow many people tend to forget the reason for the season of thanksgiving. So another round of kudos to you! Have a nice day.... lol